James Hill has been a musician for years and runs MidiTempoTracks.com, where he matches "tempo / groove / feel to any audio of your choice" by modifying a midi so it does not feel lifeless, mechanical, and sterile.
He recently received a prototype of the ADEL™ Drum 10 earbuds and was overjoyed- in fact he was using the ADEL Drums during the interview.
Asius: So what was the first song you listened to using the ADEL™ Drum 10 earbuds?
James: I used to be in a band that did a lot of covers of hard rock and metal bands. My first choice was a natural: "Strutter" by KISS - it's a favorite from way back when, and it blew my mind to hear it now with such quality.
Asius: Besides the enjoyment you experienced from hearing that song, what were your next thoughts?
James: I thought, "Let me play with the knobs to adjust isolation. This looks like it will really be cool to do."
Asius: And then what happened?
James: I thought, '"Wow." I mean, by adjusting the isolation, I realize I can actually 'spread the stage' to suit how I want the sound to feel and can isolate instruments and "place" them geographically on the stage. I don't need those clunky 'wedge' speakers at the edge of the stage. I can actually hear myself and have "throat last" without having to shout.
Asius: You've been in the music world for a while and have seen a lot of changes. Does this change things for you?
James: Definitely. I have been using wireless monitors but they don't compare to these. I won't use them any more.
Asius: Is there anything else that we can do for you?
James: As soon as you can get me my customer ear molds, I'll be rocking up a storm.
Asius: Sure James, we'll get those to you shortly. Thanks for your support!